During Edfringe 2013, we ran an "Unofficial Fringe Census," asking our followers to answer some questions about their Fringe experience. One lucky respondent will receive a free copy of our book, just as soon as we get around to publishing all the results!
Question 3 was "Where do you live outside the Fringe?" Results were thus:
London - 36.1%
Brighton - 12.7%
Edinburgh - 12.7%
Sydney - 6.3%
Glasgow - 4.2%
Buxton - 2.1%
Birmingham - 4.2%
Philadelphia - 2.1%
New York - 2.1%
Dallas - 2.1 %
[All US - 6.3%]
Norfolk - 2.1%
Oxford - 2.1%
Durham - 2.1%
Bedford - 2.1%
Cardiff - 2.1%
Cumbria - 2.1%
Coventry - 2.1%
[All UK - 87.4%]
London - 36.1%
Brighton - 12.7%
Edinburgh - 12.7%
Sydney - 6.3%
Glasgow - 4.2%
Buxton - 2.1%
Birmingham - 4.2%
Philadelphia - 2.1%
New York - 2.1%
Dallas - 2.1 %
[All US - 6.3%]
Norfolk - 2.1%
Oxford - 2.1%
Durham - 2.1%
Bedford - 2.1%
Cardiff - 2.1%
Cumbria - 2.1%
Coventry - 2.1%
[All UK - 87.4%]